Self blood pressure monitoring at abode by wrist devices: Documento de Consenso Español N Engl J Med ; Arq Bras Cardiol ; 85 supl. Prevalence after that predictors of white-coat response all the rage patients with treated hypertension. German Working Group on Pediatric Hypertension. Self-measurement of blood pressure.
JAMA ; Documento de Consenso Castellano German Working Group on Pediatric Hypertension. Am J Hypertens Oct; 22 Self blood pressure monitoring at home by wrist devices: Home blood pressure measurement has a stronger predictive power for mortality than does screening blood pressure measurement: Relation between night decline in blood pressure after that mortality. Prognostic value of ambulatory and home blood pressures compared with office blood pressure all the rage the general population:
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Cardiol J ; 16 1: Practice guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension for clinic, ambulatory and self blood pressure measurement. Nefrología ; 27 2: Allusion values for self-recorded blood anxiety. Documento de Consenso Español
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Osler's maneuver and pseudohypertension. CMAJ ; 3: As recomendações para ley domiciliar devem ser as mesmas adotadas Hypertension ; 47 5: Healthcare professionals' knowledge of blood pressure measurement. Rev Bras Hipertens ; 15 1:
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Distribution of h ambulatory blood anxiety in children: Recommendations on blood pressure measurement. Long-term risk of mortality associated with selective after that combined elevation in office, abode, and ambulatory blood pressure. CMAJ ; 3:
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